Monday, January 14, 2013

Chickens,chickens and more chickens!

I love chickens! This is the one farmyard delight I could never be without! Not just because of the fresh eggs but the enormous amusement one gets from watching them scratch about. Some can become quite friendly and down right loyal, following you around the garden clucking softly, or greeting you in the morning when you have brought their breakfast. With the many amazing breeds available there is something for everyone. From the backyard keeper to the bird fancier.

We chose our particular breeds due to their durability(must withstand cold new England winters) and their docile temperaments, for our childrens sake. One of my favorites is the Buff Orpington, a rather large bird with glossy blonde plumage and a fantastic personality. Another variety we added was the Americauna or Easter Egg chicken. This lovely bird produces an egg in a variety of shades ranging from green to aqua. The ever popular Barred Rock was a no brainer as they are dedicated layers and quite mellow. We also have a couple Blue Andalusian. A lovely slate grey chicken but on the smaller side and quite skittish, they produce a nice white egg.

                                                               Pretty Americauna

                                                               Blue Andalusian

                                                                All in a days work!

A perfect fresh egg. Note the yolk sitting high on the whites and the deep orange color.

As our main group is approaching their year old mark we started a few new chicks just before Christmas. Housing them in the basement under a red heat lamp. They are growing very fast and will be ready to take the step out to the shed now their feathers have come through. Thank goodness as cleaning their pen is a biweekly activity right now!! Not for the faint of heart.